
Back to Basics

For many years we enjoyed low-cost capital. As a result, many companies grew without having the pressure of applying basic and fundamental principles of building sound organizations. The ideas of “Growth at all costs!” or “Topline matters most!” were commonly subscribed to… and it worked. They didn’t just work, they provided tremendous wealth for many … Read more

WELD: Tell It Like It Is

The 2024 Tell It Like It Is Thursday® webinar series will take participants on a storytelling for action journey. Our goal is to equip attendees with actionable insights that they can immediately implement to enhance their professional journeys and continue to add value to their communities.

Shirin shares lessons learned from a career of success in business.

Grow & be inspired each week:

Read thoughtful articles and learn from Shirin’s experiences on her blog.

View previous interviews, motivational messages, and business insights on Shirin’s YouTube channel.

Connect with Shirin on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on speaking engagements, Board initiatives, and inspirational messages.

Connect with Shirin to see a blend of personal and professional storytelling as she provides a peek into her everyday life.

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